(Not Quite) All I Really Need To Know...
(Picking up from my previous post. Sorry, I can't make the title of this post the same as that of the book's. It's like saying Windows 98 or ME or XP or Vista is the best operating system, ever. That title may have played a part in my buying the book though. Fool me once....)
I. All I Really Need to Know in Business I Learned at Microsoft
A. Setting Up To Play
- Eat your own dog food but don't believe your own press releases.
- Examine your mistakes.
- Let people fail.
- Sometimes tankers can look like speedboats.
- Let your employees hear your customers.
- Don't bet against your own team's creativity.
- Tailor your message to your customer.
- Every process can be improved.
- Stay small.
- Act like a leader.
B. Winning the Game
- If you can't win - change the rules.
- Think three moves ahead.
- Him 'em where they ain't.
- You can change your image.
- Win-win deals: what they care about and what you care about.
- Try it out in the real world.
- Make big bets.
- Big events make good deadlines.
- Give your employees a piece of the pie.
II. All I Really Need to Know to Do My Job Weel I Learned at Microsoft
A. Becoming an Expert
- The elevator test - Convincingly explain your product in 30 seconds.
- Know who your customers are and who just isn't one yet.
- The SWOT team - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats for your company AND competitor.
- Know the business inside and out.
- Know the questions your boss is going to ask.
- Make decisions as if you own the company.
B. Getting the Job Done
- Work smart - not long.
- "I don't know" is okay, especially coupled with "I'll find out"
- Humor can get you out of sticky times.
- Real employees do eat lunch - networking.
- Creativity is not a one-man job.
- If you're going to drop the ball, arrange for someone to catch it.
- Their experience vs. your instinct.
- Work faux pas - Murphy's law.
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