Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sick and Reading

Yesterday, at around noon time, people from the office got permission to go home if their routes back are among those affected by the SFV fires. Fires were actually all over the Valley - there was one just a block away from our apartment and another that can be seen from my West Hills office. On both places, I could smell the smoke from the fires. In the office, the smoke had this dark red color, implying that the fire is just close by. I went home at noon not because of the fires but because I was down with flu.

As I was preparing to go to work this morning, I got a call from my officemates Cindy and MK informing me that our site's head honcho, Bob, sent an email advising us to stay away from the office and giving us all the permission to work from home. In between the couple of hours' sleep, I managed to pick up on my reading.

I've engrossed myself with Nassim Nicholas Taleb's The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. I should be finished with my reading tomorrow. Hopefully, the flu's also gone by then.

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At 11:42 AM , Blogger jamie said...

fire near your house?

that means near my house?

At 11:33 PM , Blogger Rom said...

not really. it was in ventura/reseda - and a relatively minor one. =)


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